How to know if you have hearing loss

Not sure if you have hearing loss? That’s not uncommon. Hearing loss symptoms are subtle and typically emerge slowly. It frequently takes years for people to realize they have hearing loss. Also, we simply don’t test our hearing enough. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that “less than half of adults who…


Earwax and Hearing Loss

Could earwax be causing my hearing loss? Since earwax seems to be a popular topic these days (don’t ask us why, but earwax cleaning videos are trending on social media), we thought now was a good time to answer this FAQ. Can earwax cause hearing loss? A lot of things can cause hearing loss. Noise…


12 reasons you should test your hearing

After the past year of living socially distant and behind masks, we thinkreconnecting is more important and coveted than ever! Unfortunately, it’s also more challenging for those of us with hearing loss — whichis the biggest reason why 2021 should be the year to test your hearing and treat it ifit turns out you have…
