Hands Free Phone Support is Here!

Enjoy hands-free phone conversations — using your hearing aidsThe newest hearing aid feature enables hands-free phone conversations Can you enjoy hands-free phone conversations with your current hearing aids? If those currenthearing aids are Arc AI, then the answer is yes! We’re excited to announce the newest feature in our already feature-packed Arc AI hearingaids — 2-Way…

Untreated Hearing Loss and Dementia

Hearing aid use is associated with positive cognitive health results Several studies have concluded that “untreated hearing loss can increase the risk of dementia by 50%.”  This link between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline has been a growing topic of discussion in the medical world for a while now — our own Dr. Archelle Georgiou…

Ear Infections and Hearing Loss

Can ear infections cause hearing loss? Hearing loss can be caused by several different factors including aging, injury, noise exposure, even heredity. Those factors affect the auditory nerve, causing sensorineural hearing loss, which is the most common type of hearing loss.  But there is a second, less common type of hearing loss, known as conductive…

The best place to get hearing aids

Until recently, if you wanted to be treated for hearing loss or get hearing aids, you had one choice — see an audiologist or other licensed hearing healthcare professional. Today, the options have definitely gotten more complicated, with online-only retailers, big-box stores, and numerous new or unexpected companies now advertising hearing loss solutions. Here’s the…

Hearing loss can lead to social isolation

Loneliness and social isolation have been getting their fair share of attention lately. Forgood reason. Covid has made both more prevalent. And both are increasingly linked tonumerous physical and mental health issues, including:  50 percent increased risk of dementia 32 percent increased risk of stroke 29 percent increased risk of heart disease Higher rates…

Protect Your Hearing

How loud and for how long is key to avoiding noise-induced hearing damage Exposure to loud noise is the second leading cause of hearing loss — after aging. It’s also one of the only causes that are preventable. We can’t do anything about aging or heredity. But we can minimize our exposure to noise, or…

Hearing In A Car

Why can’t I hear well in the car? When people find out I’m a hearing professional, they’ll often ask me some version of the following: “I can’t hear the kids in the backseat when we’re in the car. They’re trying to tell me about their day or ask me questions, but all I can do…

Untreated hearing loss leads to increased healthcare costs

For those who need convincing that hearing aids are worth the investment, today’shearing statistic is one data point among many that should help convince you theyare. A recent investigation on healthcare cost trends concluded that older adults withuntreated hearing loss used healthcare services more — and subsequently spentmore on healthcare — than peers without hearing loss…

Keeping Your Ears Clean

How to properly clean your ears Cerumen, commonly known as earwax, is key to a healthy ear. It collects dirt, debris and bacteria, preventing unwanted foreign bodies from entering the ear. It has lubrication properties to keep the ears from getting dry and itchy. And, it acts as an antifungal and antibacterial, helping to fight…