Hearing aids help us hear better and feel better

Congratulations! You’ve got your new hearing aids and taken that first step towards hearing better and living better. So, what’s next? It’s time to get acclimated—or “used to” wearing your hearing aids. And one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to remember the following: Getting used to…

Unlocking a World of Sounds for a Better Quality of Life

We know that past studies have associated hearing loss with depression and it’s no surprise why: When it’s difficult to hear, it’s difficult to communicate—which can lead to social isolation and eventually, depression. But what makes today’s fact stand out is that it highlights one of the first studies to directly link hearing aids with a reduced risk of…

Is there a way I can help a loved one who has hearing loss?

We know that, left untreated, hearing loss can negatively affect our quality of life. Studies link untreated hearing loss to stress, depression, social isolation, and even dementia. Untreated hearing loss also increases the risk of falling, putting personal safety at risk.  But the person with hearing loss isn’t the only person affected by it. Hearing loss impacts spouses, family…

How to properly clean your ears

Cerumen, commonly known as earwax, is key to a healthy ear. It collects dirt, debris and bacteria,preventing unwanted foreign bodies from entering the ear. It has lubrication properties to keep theears from getting dry and itchy. And, it acts as an antifungal and antibacterial, helping to fightinfections in and around our ears.  But, let’s face…

Hear all the best moments in 2024

Happy New Year to you and all those you care about! Like many of us, you’ve probably just finished unwinding from a whirlwind month. That time of year when you put others first — your family, friends, colleagues, community. And good for you. It’s what the holidays are about, right? But now it’s your turn.…

Four ways better hearing can help with stress

A close friend once said, “Life is lifelike” — and indeed life is filled with ups, downs, even upside downs, right? Because even though we’re all on our own journey, the one thing we all face from time to time is challenge. Unfortunately, challenge can sometimes be tough enough to pull us into that dreaded state…

Can hearing loss treatment help prevent dementia?

A highly regarded report published by The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care called dementia “the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century.” [1] Ask friends and loved ones of the estimated 50 million people worldwide who have dementia, and they’ll no doubt back it up — with stories about the worry, stress,…