Full time hearing instrument specialist for Michels Hearing Aid Centers. Conducts hearing tests and thorough hearing evaluations for people seeking improved hearing with the newest hearing aid technologies.

Getting Used to New Hearing Aids

Tips for getting used to wearing new hearing aids OK, think back to a year or so ago. Remember when you would go to a matinee and then after, when it ended and you left the theater, the daylight would overwhelm you temporarily? Well the same thing happens when you first start wearing hearing aids.…

Hearing In Noise

Hard time hearing in noise? Here’s why There are many signs of hearing loss — but one of the first signs that your hearing is going is if you can hear fine in quiet environments yet struggle to hear in noise. Here’s why. Even for people with normal hearing, noisy settings can be tricky to navigate when…

Perceptions of Hearing Aids

Hearing aid perception vs. reality Hearing and sight are arguably our two most important senses (despite taste getting a lot of attention these past 18 months). Yet, if and when either starts to fail us — and both typically do as we age — we react to each very differently. You can tell by all…

Types of Hearing Loss

Three of the most common hearing loss questions and their answers If you’re like us, you like to get to the bottom of any ailment you have. When you know what the exact issue is, you waste less time and anxiety and going-down-a-rabbit-hole Google searches wondering what it might be. And, because you know what…

How to encourage a loved one with hearing loss to seek help

It’s been proven that — left untreated — hearing loss can have a negative effect on our quality of life. Studies have linked untreated hearing loss to decreased cognitive function, higher incidences of hospitalizations, falls and depression, and increased risk of social isolation and dementia. Those studies don’t take into account how ignoring hearing loss can diminish social interactions, television and…

How to know if you have hearing loss

Not sure if you have hearing loss? That’s not uncommon. Hearing loss symptoms are subtle and typically emerge slowly. It frequently takes years for people to realize they have hearing loss. Also, we simply don’t test our hearing enough. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that “less than half of adults who…

Earwax and Hearing Loss

Could earwax be causing my hearing loss? Since earwax seems to be a popular topic these days (don’t ask us why, but earwax cleaning videos are trending on social media), we thought now was a good time to answer this FAQ. Can earwax cause hearing loss? A lot of things can cause hearing loss. Noise…

12 reasons you should test your hearing

After the past year of living socially distant and behind masks, we thinkreconnecting is more important and coveted than ever! Unfortunately, it’s also more challenging for those of us with hearing loss — whichis the biggest reason why 2021 should be the year to test your hearing and treat it ifit turns out you have…