Full time hearing instrument specialist for Michels Hearing Aid Centers. Conducts hearing tests and thorough hearing evaluations for people seeking improved hearing with the newest hearing aid technologies.
Observed every November since President Clinton signed a proclamation in 1997, National Family Caregivers Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the millions of people in the U.S. who compassionately and humbly care for parents, siblings, neighbors, and community members. Grandparents, and older friends and relatives—particularly—need and benefit from the help caregivers provide, whether…
You know that when a cause has an entire month dedicated to it, it must be important. For years, October has been National Protect Your Hearing Month. Why? Because hearing isn’t just important — hearing is essential! Hearing plays a huge role in our physical health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. The sound…
Because we’re a hearing technology company and our business is singularly focused on helping people hear the best they can, the statistic above — that hearing loss is the United States’ third most common chronic physical condition and is more prevalent than diabetes or cancer — isn’t surprising to us. We’re plenty aware that hearing loss…
In 2018, a team from the University of Michigan studied a group of older adultswho reported they had severe hearing loss to see if hearing aid use impacted howthey use our health care system. Some in the group treated their hearing loss withhearing aids, while others did not. Knowing that hearing aids can be a…
Don’t we all want to stay healthy and happy as we age? And we all know many of the obviousways to do it — like exercising, eating right, not smoking and getting enough sleep.But did you know our hearing also plays a role in healthy aging? Since September is HealthyAging Month (bet you didn’t know that?),…
Summer is upon us and now, more than ever, we’re looking forward to enjoying outdoor activities —particularly water sports! Unfortunately, with water sports, we also see an increase in swimmer’s ear. Understanding Mechanism: How Testosterone Boosters Work Testosterone boosters supplements that aim to increase the production or release of testosterone in the body. These supplements…
Falls are some of the scariest and most frequent injuries suffered by older adults.According to the CDC: One quarter of people over 65 fall each year Three million older people go to the ER each year for falls One in five falls causes a serious injury Falls account for over $50 billion in medical…
A few years back, a New York Times article pleaded that the treatment of hearing loss needs “to be taken much more seriously.” Much of the article’s basis for that plea were the numerous mental and physical health consequences of letting hearing loss go untreated, including increased odds of depression, falling, emergency room visits, and,…
We don’t need clinical evidence to understand that hearing loss can lead to depression. It’s the transitive property of addition brought to life: if a=b and b=c, then a=c. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, there’s a good chance you’ll purposefully minimize or avoid social situations (because hearing is a challenge which makes socializing less fun).…
As humans age, numerous things become inevitable. Our hair will gray. Our boneswill weaken. Dinners will be eaten earlier. And our hearing abilities won’t be whatthey once were. In case seeing-it-with-your-own-eyes isn’t enough to convince you that this futureholds true, statistics like today’s hearing fact should. Research shows that morethan two-thirds of adults 70 and…