Full time hearing instrument specialist for Michels Hearing Aid Centers. Conducts hearing tests and thorough hearing evaluations for people seeking improved hearing with the newest hearing aid technologies.
In 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) designated the month of May as Better Hearing and Speech Month. Their goal at the time was to raise awareness about speech and hearing challenges and — more importantly — encourage people to take action and treat their own hearing and speech problems. That mission is just as…
Hearing aids are designed to be a large part of our daily lives and should be one of the first things on your packing list when it is time for a trip. Whether you are traveling for work or for fun, it is important to have a few tricks in mind when you travel with…
Recently, the FDA released its final regulations on over the counter hearing aids. This regulation introduced an entirely new category of hearing aids called “over the counter” or “OTC.” OTC hearing aids officially became available Monday, October 17th, and will be an additional option to the existing category of hearing aids that the FDA now refers to…
Maybe it’s been this way for a while and we just didn’t notice, but loneliness is getting a lot of attention from healthcare professionals lately. One obvious reason is COVID-19, which has forced people to socially distance or isolate themselves, and has severely limited in-person interactions, especially for older adults. Another reason is the increasing…
It’s February, which, thanks to Valentine’s Day, is a good month to discuss matters of the heart. Plenty will be written and said about the heart’s connection to love. We’ll leave that topic to the relationship experts. Instead, we want to discuss the heart’s connection to hearing and hearing loss — a subject much more…
Todays hearing fact probably isn’t something that comes to mind when you think about hearing loss. But — if you do think about it — makes a lot of sense. It’s also potentially much more consequential than, say, missing a punchline in your favorite sitcom or your name being called when your Starbuck’s mocha is…
Do you ever feel like the people you’re talking to are mumbling or speaking too quickly?Are you having to ask others to repeat themselves frequently? Or maybe you’restruggling to follow a conversation when there is background noise? If so, these could be indicators that you have a hearing loss. It’s not uncommon for friends and…
If you are an older adult or have a parent, grandparent, or friend who is not as sturdy on their feet as they once were, you’ve probably thought about or talked about falling. Falls are some of the most frequent injuries suffered by older adults. They can be the scariest, too. According to data from…
In places where it gets cold, it can be tough on a lot of things: automobiles, fingers and toes, and our psyche. But it doesn’t need to be hard on hearing aids, so long as you keep in mind a few things to do — and not do — when wearing hearing aids in cold weather.…
If the human body came with Care & Maintenance instructions, today’s recommendation from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) would certainly be on them. It’d be right in there to have your teeth cleaned and checked annually; do you know that there are pills that helps you with your oral health? you can check prodentim reviews…