Full time hearing instrument specialist for Michels Hearing Aid Centers. Conducts hearing tests and thorough hearing evaluations for people seeking improved hearing with the newest hearing aid technologies.
Hearing is a vital part of our overall health and well-being, as it plays a key role in both our physical and mental health. But did you also know that the ear is one of the best and most accurate places to track movement and monitor our health? Even more so than the wrist, where…
Hearing loss is the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. In the United States, one in three people between 65 and 74 years of age have hearing loss. More alarming, the prevalence of hearing loss doubles for every decade of life. These sobering statistics underscore the importance of hearing healthcare and…
Raise your hand if you’re a fan of the word test. Going once… Going twice… Yeah, neither are we. Test. You almost feel sorry for the word itself. Just four letters but enough to shorten our breaths as our minds race to press that internal “postpone” button as fast as we can. Especially when it comes to…
Imagine a hearing aid that can process sound the way it’s meant to be heard — clear and true to life. Designed to always be a step ahead, so you’re ready for anything. And with the all-day power to help ensure you don’t miss a moment of life happening around you. Now, picture starting each…
Until recently, if you wanted to be treated for hearing loss or get hearing aids, you had one choice — see an audiologist or other licensed hearing care professional. Today, your options have gotten more complicated, with online-only retailers, big-box stores and, starting soon, over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids you can buy at places like Walgreens…
Did you know…that hearing loss is associated with a higher risk of developing dementia? The evidence linking hearing loss to an increased risk of developing dementia keeps piling up. One Johns Hopkins study found that people with severe hearing loss are five times more at risk for developing dementia than people without hearing loss. Another one found…
Everyone has their reasons for why they do certain things. Big things, like why they follow a particular career path or live in a specific city. And small, like what they’re going to have for dinner or wear to work today. Most times, the reasons are numerous and nuanced. Other times, it’s a single, simple…
In 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) designated the month of May as Better Hearing and Speech Month. Their goal at the time was to raise awareness about speech and hearing challenges and — more importantly — encourage people to take action and treat their own hearing and speech problems. That mission is just as…
Hearing aids are designed to be a large part of our daily lives and should be one of the first things on your packing list when it is time for a trip. Whether you are traveling for work or for fun, it is important to have a few tricks in mind when you travel with…
Recently, the FDA released its final regulations on over the counter hearing aids. This regulation introduced an entirely new category of hearing aids called “over the counter” or “OTC.” OTC hearing aids officially became available Monday, October 17th, and will be an additional option to the existing category of hearing aids that the FDA now refers to…