Full time hearing instrument specialist for Michels Hearing Aid Centers. Conducts hearing tests and thorough hearing evaluations for people seeking improved hearing with the newest hearing aid technologies.
Have you seen our Livio Edge AI custom rechargeable hearing aids? If we say so ourselves, our new Livio Edge AI custom rechargeable hearing aids are pretty great. But we’re biased. So we won’t blame you if you want a second opinion. How about this one? Youtuber and audiologist, Dr. Cliff Olson, recently called them…
Can treating hearing loss help stave off cognitive decline? We all want to maintain our mental sharpness as we get older. Dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline are conditions everyone hopes to avoid. A growing body of research has shown that hearing loss plays a role in our ability to stay mentally sharp as we age.…
In 2018, assistant professor Yune Lee and his research team at Ohio State University monitored the brain activity of study participants 18 through 41 years of age as they listened to increasingly complex sentences. The team was hoping to measure if human brains work harder to comprehend more complex messages. What they unexpectedly discovered, instead, was…
An analysis of data from the National Health Interview Survey found that, over an eight year period (2007 – 2015), people who reported that they had “a lot of trouble” hearing ended up being twice as likely to have an accidental injury — both at work and leisure — as people who reported no trouble…
Does this sound familiar? Either you or someone you know is just starting to deal with hearing loss. But instead of taking it seriously, you brush it aside. You can cope, you’ve decided. You’ll just turn the TV up a little louder. Ask people to speak up or repeat what they said. And really, the…
The National Safety Council’s Safety + Health magazine recently published an article about ototoxicants, chemicals that can cause hearing loss and balance issues. In the article, warnings were shared from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) about which industries have higher exposure risks to these chemicals — and how the adverse effects of ototoxicants increases when “workers are exposed…
Hearing aid batteries keep our ears going! Here are some quick do’s and don’ts to get the most out of your hearing aid batteries. Do’s Do let your batteries rest for one min after you pull the tab off and before you put into your hearing aid. Do throw your battery away if your…
A female scream. Squealing brakes. A baby crying. An electric drill. Nails on a blackboard. They all make the list. The top 10 list. The top 10 list of the most unpleasant sounds according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Instead of torturing you with the entire list, I limited it by…
Getting hearing aids is a big decision and a smart investment towards your future quality of life. Before you make the decision, consider these tips to help ensure you get the best hearing aids for your needs. Do’s Do speak with a hearing professional about situations you want to hear and communicate in better. Do…
Hearing aids are amazing! But even people with normal hearing can sometimes struggle in loud environments. If you find yourself in a busy environment, these tips can help. Do’s Do look at the people you are speaking with. We all use visual cues whether we realize it or not. Do try to situate yourself in…